Plant an Additional 2 Trees

Nakie is committed to reforestation. Currently we plants 4 trees for every item purchased and we have already planted 1,087,503.
Trees play a vital role in reducing the carbon emissions in the atmosphere. They are one of the most effective tools in the fight against dangerous greenhouse gases that are contributing to climate change and global warming. They are extremely efficient in long term storage of carbon. They get there energy from sunlight and use the process of photosynthesis to take carbon dioxide from the air and water from the ground. In the process of turning it into wood they release oxygen into the air. They also assist soil in capturing significant amounts of carbon. Large-scale CO2 removal through reforestation will help offset emissions. Trees also provide a habitat for animals, purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and help to replenish the soil with nutrients needed for farming.
Here at Nakie we want future generations to have the same opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the world the way we do. That's why we are planting 4 trees for every product purchased.
We offer a lifetime warranty, yes you heard right LIFETIME WARRANTY! We are so confident with the quality of our product that we offer a lifetime warranty on all our products!
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We care about the world. We focus on creating sustainable, best quality products. All our Picnic Blankets are made of 100% recycled materials. We Plant 4 trees for every item sold.